Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Playing Catch Up: Thanksgiving

So I've got some time on my hands now, and I've taken quite a few pictures recently, so I am going to be putting up some posts for your enjoyment. We'll start at Thanksgiving and work our way up to the present. Incidentally, I had a job interview here yesterday and today they called to offer me a job (which I accepted), so I'll only have this kind of time on my hands until January 7th, when I will officially enter, dun dun dun, the REAL WORLD! Go me; that only took 30 years:)

Cory and I spent Thanksgiving in Oregon with some friends from my work.

Rodger was largely responsible for the meal, preparing a bird, potatoes, vegetarian and meat (including gizzard!) stuffing, carrot casserole, green beans, and a ton more stuff from scratch that I can't even remember. He worked all day on it and we ate in approximately 13 minutes. It was all wonderful. Thanks to Rodger and Pascale for the invite and a very enjoyable evening!

While he cooked, the rest of us played Apples to Apples, which is a terrific party game.

Jill won as usual, even though halfway through the game she had to take a break to feed Izze, aka Lil'l Troublemaka.

While she was gone, we randomly picked from her cards and she still won three green apple cards!

Also in attendance were Jason and Sandra who I wished we could have spent more time with while we were in OR. I especially enjoyed talking to Sandra who is from Australia; the conversations almost always ended with "No worries". I'm sure Cory feels the same way considering the inordinate amount of time they spent talking about MMORPGs or something like that.